Traditional Fruit Cake

Long time ago, while I was working in the US Embassy, my supervisor asked me to join “latbar” to make Fruit Cake and Lasagna, at Ibu Hartati’s house in Ciputat. Ibu Hartati was the Senior Local Officer in the Consular Section. After the latbar I tried the Fruit Cake at home and it was soooo delicious but then I lost the recipe and I didn’t record it yet. I regret that I never tried the Lasagne recipe even though it’s also delicioso 😀

A few weeks ago I found this recipe and I thought I would try it once I had time. The time then came last week and here we go…. the taste is more or less the same with Ibu Hartati’s recipe, just need to add more fruit and also the peanuts like mede, walnut, etc

Thanks to Hera Rulita for the recipe.

Traditional Fruit Cake


  • 250 gram mentega
  • 150 gram gula palem (buatku masih kemanisan, bisa dikurangi menjadi 100 gram saja)
  • 4 butir telur
  • 200 gram tepung terigu
  • 1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk (aku tambahkan bubuk speculaas + pala + cengkeh)
  • 150 gram kismis, potong kecil2
  • 100 gram sukade
  • 200 gram ceri manis, potong2/
  • (Untuk buah, aku pakai mixed fruit sebanyak 450 gram)
  • 100 gram almond remukan
  • 50 gram selai strawberry (aku ga pake)
  • Boleh tambahkan parutan kulit jeruk

Aslinya, di barat sana, buah2an direndam dalam rhum selama semalam dua malam. Kalau sudah matang, kucuri dengan rhum kembali dan disimpan dalam freezer, bisa bertahan 1-2 bulan, malah tambah enak katanya…

– Campur mentega dan gula palem, kocok rata
– Masukkan telur satu demi satu sambil kocok terus hingga fluffy
– Masukkan tepung terigu dan kayu manis bubuk dll yang sudah diayak
– Masukkan dry fruit, almond dan selai, aduk rata
– Tuang ke dalam loyang yang sudah dialasi kertas roti
– Panggang dalam oven dengan api kecil selama sekitar 45 menit – 1 jam dengan suhu 160 derajat Celcius.

Cara menghias:
Taburi gula halus di atasnya.
Susun buah2an kaleng di atasnya seperti jeruk, cherry atau kayu manis agar penampilan cake lebih cantik.
(Aku ga pake dihias2 karena untuk konsumsi sendiri hehe)

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