MIHAS 2013

April 1 lalu, berkesempatan diajak mbak Yenny Agogo ikutan MIHAS 2013, dan ini foto-fotonya. Ceritanya menyusul yaa


me @China Town
me @China Town




the six of us @Genting
the six of us @Genting
me @Masjid Jamek station
me @Masjid Jamek station
mejeng @Masjid Jamek station Afia Lindra, pak Anas n me
mejeng @Masjid Jamek station
Afia Lindra, pak Anas n me
the six of us left to right : mbak Yenny Agogo, Afia Lindra, Ika, Rahma, me and Yana
the six of us left to right : mbak Yenny Agogo, Afia Lindra, Ika, Rahma, me and Yana
Afia Lindra, owner of Suvenir Coklat in business meeting MIHAS
Afia Lindra, owner of Suvenir Coklat in business meeting MIHAS
booth Kopi Semerbak @MIHAS
booth Kopi Semerbak @MIHAS
hop on - hop off bus in front of KLCC
hop on – hop off bus in front of KLCC
mbak Yenny Agogo with M'sian supplier
mbak Yenny Agogo with M’sian supplier
Yenny Agogo, owner JSR "Jeany's Secret Recipe" Brownies
Yenny Agogo, owner JSR “Jeany’s Secret Recipe” Brownies


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